Let’s be jolly but responsible pet owners!

Christmas time is a season of celebrations, family time and enjoyment, but every year accidents happen that can endanger our pets’ lives. To avoid spending Christmas holidays at the vet’s emergency waiting room with a sick animal, here is a quick reminder of all the possible dangers.  Warm weather: with the hot blazing noonday sun

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KSPCA Mombasa (November)

Animals: We had a relatively busy month with all sorts of things going on.  We had a large number of very small kittens brought in, far too young to have no mother. We also had a number of puppies brought in and unfortunately one lot went down with Parvo. Fortunately, this was contained quickly. We sterilized 10

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Donkey Welfare (November)

We received a report about a seemingly stranded donkey at Regen, Waiyaki Way. For more than 2 weeks, the donkey had been exposed to harsh weather conditions, with no shelter, food, or water. We rescued him and brought him to the shelter. The donkey pictured below was displaying signs of a donkey with rabies at

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Kitten Season

As the weather warms up, the cat breeding activity also increases. Many cat owners are unaware that young cats can fall pregnant as early as at the age of 4-5 months. If non-neutered/ spayed cats are allowed to roam freely, in just two years a single pair of cats can result in up to 20,000

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Donkey Welfare (October)

KSPCA in collaboration with Brooke East Africa and county vets in Mombasa rescued 10 donkeys that were left behind by their owners a few years ago. The donkeys were straying into people’s property and destroying crops. They are currently at the KSPCA Mombasa shelter as they wait to be rehomed to new homes. Identified new

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KSPCA Naivasha (October)

The Naivasha shelter is currently home to 39 dogs, 12 cats and 3 donkeys. The shelter is under renovation courtesy of KENTAYLA. They are helping us tile the office, clinic, staff quarters and the kennels. They have also constructed the parking shade of the vehicle and soak pit. Dr. James came from the Nairobi shelter

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KSPCA Mombasa (October)

Animals:  We had quite a busy month besides all the dogs and cats that we admitted and rehomed. We had a total of 23 dogs and 56 cats admitted, and re-homed 12 dogs and 13 cats. We also took in 10 donkeys – 5 adults and 5 foals of various ages.  The KSPCA Animal Welfare Officer, Ian, came

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Fireworks and Dogs

With Diwali, Guy Fawkes and New Year’s Eve all lined up it is time to remind ourselves that celebrations are not equally pleasant to all of our family members. Of course, not all dogs are scared of fireworks and loud noises, but even if they are not, it is not recommended to take them to

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KSPCA Mombasa (September 2022)

Animals: September was generally quiet. The weather is hot and humid now, which means that we are starting to have a flea problem again. We re-homed 5 dogs and 22 cats, and neutered 8 dogs and 24 cats. We admitted in 18 dogs and 86 cats. A large number of the cats were very tiny kittens with no mother

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Donkey Welfare

We visited Mwea to inspect the abattoirs, and while at that we held a brief meeting with donkey users in conjunction with the county vets. The aim was to practically demonstrate the making of good harnesses, and educate them the general welfare of donkeys. The donkey pictured below is reported to have attacked a member

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